Luca Dapra

DOB: February 12th, 1996
Natural habitat: Extreme White Water (K1)
Nationality: USA
Top Results:
"I'm actually not a racer, despite I love to race and get new challenges, I get very nervous and that's why in the last years I'm just taking part at races mainly for fun."
Why did you change from slalom to whitewater?
"I started kayaking pretty late for getting into racing. Competing straight away in U18 an Senior categories get me depressed and demotivated pretty soon, with whitewater I started to have fun and afterwards it enabled me to visit new places and challenge myself on a new mental and physical level."
Who has influenced you the most in kayaking?
"Actually all the people I had the opportunity to paddle with influenced my kayaking... For sure Tomaso Dentone (owner of Exo) helped a lot being my first supporter and helping me to cover my gear expenses when I was still in school... Bernhard Steidl gave me a work as kayak teacher but he also tought me a new way to read and feel the water which helped me to evolve on a new mystical
Have you ever run anything you shouldn't have?
"It happened quite a lot during my first paddling experiences, when I was too motivated an unexperienced..."
Did you ever piss into your kayak? :D
"For sure, it is the best way to sterilize it, and to warm you up as well :P"
What are your goals o and plans for the future?
"In the last years a lot have changed, despite I'm not traveling as much as I'd like, I'm still exploring new rivers in my backyard and pushing my own boundaries. Moreover I'm building up my kayak teaching activity with Bernhard Steidl (Source to sea) and trying to bring some innovation in this field. I'm also working on a side kayak project in Valsesia, but that is still top secret;)."
Who is the best kayaker in the world?
"There are many good paddlers out there, everybody pushing in his own field whether it is big waterfalls or freestyle."
Who do you like to follow on IG the most and why?
"If you want to check some world class stouts, be sure to follow my mate Adrian Mattern!"
Contact: Instagram