Vit Prindis

DOB: April 14th,1989
Natural habitat: K1 Canoe Slalom / Extreme Racing
Nationality: Czech
Career Highlights:
+ 1st place overall World Cup 2017
+ 2nd place overall World Cup 2016
+ 1st place European Championship 2016 team race
+ 2nd place European Championship 2014
+ 2nd place World Championship 2014 team race
+ 1st place European Championship 2013
+ 3 times National Czech Champion
Where and when did you start paddling?
Ever since the first strokes I´m paddling in Prague - Troja, I like the course very much."
Why are you doing this sport?
It's in my family, but since my childhood I was doing more sports. Paddling just finally prevailed over time and was closest to me. It has remained until now."
What is your favorite spot to paddle?
I prefer wild and strong rivers like Bourg, Lipno, London and Trnavka. "
What was your best experience on water:
Jumping 7 meter high waterfall in New Zealand."
What are your goals and plans for future?
In sport, it can not predict, but I have a couple of years, if possible, paddling and then we'll see. In my personal life - I finished school and I'd like to slowly start my personal project."
What do you like to do when you are not in a kayak?
many other sports - running, cycling, cross-country skiing, hockey, football, climbing ... I really like spending time with friends at the movies or in the countryside."
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